University is ignoring us, say landlords
Thursday, September 06, 2012
Under-fire landlords have accused University College Cork of effectively ignoring them despite their efforts to tackle alcohol-fuelled problems caused by student tenants.
The Connaught Avenue and College Road Property Owners Association has also criticised Cork City?s joint policing committee for not allowing its members to make a presentation earlier this week on the antisocial problems blighting residential areas around the city?s two main third-level institutions.
The association represents about 40 landlords who rent property to 800 students around UCC. It spoke out last night after criticism at Monday?s JPC meeting.
Fine Gael TD Jerry Buttimer criticised landlords for not attending the meeting. Garda?, who described landlords as a key part of the solution, said they would target landlords who were ignoring their responsibilities. However, Fachtna O?Reilly, chairman of the landlord association, said they have written to UCC several times in the past two years seeking meetings to propose solutions, but said their approaches have been effectively ignored.
"The term ?rogue landlord?, used at the meeting and often bandied about, gives an insight into the intellectual rigour of those using it, and is an indication of the paucity of their ability to propose a solution to this serious problem," he said.
"The solution is staring people in the face but nobody will listen to us... We have been involved in renting property for up to 25 years and we know how to deal with these issues.
"It was bad in Galway and they solved it, it was bad in Carlow, and they solved it... They have been solved elsewhere and can be solved in Cork.
"We do have the solution but I would prefer to give it to UCC. The best way for people to proceed is to meet and discuss."
The landlord association was set up four years ago after the antisocial behaviour around UCC?s Rag Week event reached crisis point.
Mr O?Reilly said UCC engaged with landlords afterwards, which resulted in some improvements the following year. However, despite their best efforts over the last two years, he said, communications have broken down. He has now written to policing committee chairwoman Cllr Patricia Gosch, expressing his disappointment that they were not allowed to make a presentation on Monday.
"We have a very constructive analysis of the problems and solutions based on the experience of many years and many individuals. This is an experience only landlords have... Notwithstanding our disappointment, be assured that we will do all that we can to mitigate the excesses which concerns everybody affected by this problem."
UCC?s Freshers? Week for first- year students begins on Sept 19 and garda? have prepared a "robust" policing plan to crack down on antisocial behaviour.
Mr O?Reilly said landlords will patrol College Road until 3am each night that week.
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